Cross-Browser Testing isn’t just a formal review of your site, it’s an important step in the website development process that sets your brand up for long-term success. Why is it important? Your customers will view your website on mobile, desktop and tablets, and across a variety of browsers making it crucial that your website functions no matter how people are viewing it. You want to increase leads and generate additional business, but how can that be done if your site only functions on a desktop computer? Through a formal quality assurance review, our team of experts will ensure your website is functioning at peak performance and ready to bring in sales wherever your customers are. Learn more in this post about how Cross-Browser Testing creates a high-functioning site.
Browser Compatibility
No matter how thoroughly you test in your preferred browser, there will be features that won’t work properly on Safari, Mac OS, High Sierra, Firefox, or Chrome on iPhone 10. Each combination of browser, device, and platform represents a new set of conditions that could ruin a user’s experience. Images that appear on Safari may display differently, or not at all, on Chrome, form fields may not be editable in one browser versus another, and broken widgets and plugins could affect larger, more important functionality.
What’s more, even if your in-house team has all the time and resources to do all the required testing, your familiarity with the project can work against you. Expert blindness is an all-too-real concern in the QA process, especially when it comes to cross-browser and cross-platform testing. A team that is deeply familiar with how things are supposed to work can overlook major functional or UX issues that would be easily spotted by an outsider. In partnering with an outside QA team, you’ll get a fresh set of eyes on your project that are trained to spot the imperfections of website functionality.
Cross-Device Testing
If your team lacks access to the proper testing mechanisms, like Macs, iPhones, or Android Tablets, you can’t properly test functionality on those devices, leaving critical holes in your testing. This becomes an issue when you’ve built your website on and for one software and haven’t tested across the others. Being able to see your site resized on other screens and devices will give you a better picture as to what’s working and what’s not and where issues are stemming from.
It is critical to get good test coverage, not just on your PC with Chrome, Firefox, Edge (and maybe even Internet Explorer), but to also extend that testing to popular devices such as Android-powered phones and tablets, iPhones and iPads. Our QA experts have an abundance of devices here at Acumium and will test your site on all of them. In doing this, we will solve any and all functionality problems before your site goes live, making it customer-friendly and primed for sales.
Finding a Good QA Partner
Cross-Browser testing teams can be difficult to find. At Acumium, our QA team is a core extension of our website development team because we believe in creating and launching top quality websites. Their experience in testing dozens of client sites allows them to create solid test plans and deliver results that will help identify possible areas of concern, and because they’re closely aligned to our developers, they can work together quickly on code updates that may need to be addressed from the review.
When you partner with our team, you’ll decide what browsers and platforms are important for your audience and pick some representative pages on your website that we’ll begin testing. Our QA experts will perform basic aesthetic testing (make sure everything looks normal in your chosen browsers), and then complete some functional testing on high and medium risk areas like checkout, account setup and more. Once we’ve finished, we’ll send over a report of our findings that will include the issues that were discovered and if possible, some recommended remediation steps. From there, we can address the issues with our development team and get them resolved before anything goes live in front of your customers.
Interested in learning more about our Cross-Browser offering? Drop us a line.