Innocorp, the Verona based creators of Fatal Vision drunk driving prevention goggles, has been selected as a neXXpo Most Innovative Company (MIC) finalist. NeXXpo, a competition held during the Greater Madison Area Chamber of Commerce’s Forward Festival, celebrates innovation in the Madison area. The most cutting edge businesses compete for the MIC title, most innovative company in Madison, and win a trip to Silicon Valley and an opportunity to pitch in front of prominent venture capital firms.
“Participating in neXXpo’s Most Innovative Company event was a lot of fun and a definite eye-opener! I had no idea the number of companies in Madison doing some very innovative and impressive work. I was honored to be among them,” said Michael Aguilar, CEO of Fatal Vision.
Innocorp developed the Fatal Vision “drunk goggles” to simulate alcohol impairment as a tool to educate people about the dangers of drunk driving. During neXXpo, contestant businesses were separated into five groups, with attendees voting for one company per group to determine who moved on as finalists. The final five businesses will compete later this year with the MIC winner being announced at the nex7 Stage event in November.
Working with innovative companies is a rewarding challenge for Acumium, who has recently partnered with Innocorp to build a brand new secure e-commerce website. From this website, Innocorp will sell simulation googles, alcohol prevention tools, distracted driving tools, onsite training packages, and more. Now recognized in more than 85 countries, Innocorp is in its 21st year of revolutionizing the health, safety and prevention industry.
In addition to Innocorp, other Acumium client’s nominated for the neXXpo event included: Cellara (CultureTrax®), Standard of (k)are™, My Life and Wishes®, and Dropp.
“We were honored to have five great companies represent us at this event. Each company is doing something that has a significant purpose and we’re happy to be involved with each of them. We’re excited to have Innocorp compete as one of Madison’s most innovative companies.” said Chris Uschan, VP of Sales and Marketing of Acumium.